
espresso at Hamngatan

stockholm by waves
Most of the city was closed due to Midsummer and the atmosphere was incredibly sleepy. As long as one can have an espresso by Hamngatan there’s still hope. (2007-06-23)
En tia är väl inte så farligt för lite java?


lonesome "Segovia" in Gamla Stan

stockholm by waves

He might not be another Segovia just yet but he was very persistent with his guitar and he certainly picked a place with great acoustics, a walking tunnel to the Old Town (Gamla Stan). Notice how he stops playing for a second, awaiting the dropping coin… (2007-05-12)

En del gatumusikanter är duktiga. Andra hittar sin stil ändå, på något sätt.
andra om stockholm ljud gatumusikant


"Tänk på avståndet!"

stockholm by waves

Time for another ride on the subway. This time to Slussen in one of the new “Vagn 2000” cars. Mind the gap! Or “tänk på avståndet mellan vagn och plattform när du stiger av”, which is a convenient little Swedish phrase with the same meaning. (2007-05-12)
De nya vagnarna är fortfarande väsentligt tystare. Trafikanter kan sorla lugnt och ändå göra sig hörda.


pickpockets at Centralen

stockholm by waves

We’re at the entrance to a restroom in the Central Station. Coins drop, people enter and a lady in the loudspeaker urges us to beware of pickpockets. (2007-05-27)